Customers overwhelmingly satisfied with telco service performance: ComCom

Sep 2, 2024

The latest Commerce Commission Customer Satisfaction tracking report shows customers of both mobile and broadband services are overwhelmingly satisfied with their providers. 

The six-monthly report shows 83% of mobile customers and 76% of broadband customers are satisfied and TCF chief executive Paul Brislen says this reflects the quality of the infrastructure and ongoing investment in the networks across New Zealand. 

“Telecommunications is a vital part of New Zealand’s infrastructure and each year the sector invests $1.6 billion in its core functionality. This shows the sector’s commitment to bringing world class services to customers and communities now and in the years to come.” 

At a time when cost of living is a huge issue, telecommunications remains one of the few areas where costs have declined over time, says Paul. 

“The cost of living has increased by around 20% since 2018, but the cost of telecommunication services has fallen by around 1% in that time, according to Stats NZ. Given how much telecommunications plans and capability have grown in that time, this is great to see and shows the high levels of competition in the industry.” 

The Commission’s study suggests more could be done to improve broadband satisfaction – the report suggests broadband providers should reach 77% satisfaction.  

“While we’re happy with the findings of the study there’s always more to do for our customers and that’s a challenge the industry is happy to take on,” says Paul. 

The report covers the period January to June 2024, and is available on the Commerce Commission’s website

For media enquiries contact
Paul Brislen.

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