Telco industry advises New Zealanders to take care with DIY during Covid-19 lockdown

Apr 3, 2020

“During Covid-19 lockdown, many Kiwis who are confined to their homes may see this as an opportunity to catch up on some DIY maintenance. If that includes digging in the backyard, we are asking them to take care to ensure they don’t damage network cables,” TCF CEO Geoff Thorn says.

“Some network cables can be just below the surface and damage to them can result in loss of internet access and telephone services for themselves and their neighbours. In addition to losing broadband services it may result in medical alarms not working, and 111 calls not getting through to emergency services.”

If damage does occur, homeowners are advised to contact their broadband provider.  Internet access is considered an essential service so urgent repairs and maintenance of telecommunications networks can take place during this time. 

Information on the location of underground cables can be requested at the website

For media enquiries contact
Paul Brislen.

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