Broadband Deployment Update

Apr 6, 2017

New Zealand is experiencing the fastest fibre uptake in the developed world. The number of new connections added in the last quarter alone is 12% of the total number of new connections so far, according to a report by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

As at the end of June 2016 there were 240,625 UFB connections, which represents a growth rate of 127 percent over the year. By December 31st there were 327,864 connections, with an increase of 13.5% in connected users since the end of September 2016.

The Government-led UFB initiative aims to connect 84% of New Zealand to UFB services by 2024. You can find out when each region area will be connected by visiting the UFB rollout map.

This access to world-class connectivity enables innovative, young NZ startups and entrepreneurs to take on the world from home. We’re now launching “smart cities” that aim to take on the world, such as GigCity in Dunedin.

Better connectivity also means better access to streaming content, bringing more New Zealanders global entertainment, news, sport and business services, bridging the digital divide across all socio-economic groups.

Telecommunications connect and enable homes, businesses, transport, cities, and crucial services such as healthcare, and the demand for connections is only set to increase.

For media enquiries contact
Paul Brislen.

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