Fibre-optic connections increase 67 percent

Oct 10, 2017

Internet Service Provider Survey: 2017 – Media Release

The number of actively used fibre-optic connections in New Zealand reached 397,000 in the year ended June 2017, Stats NZ said today. This is up 67 percent from the June 2016 year. Fibre-optic connections now make up 21 percent of all broadband connections in New Zealand, compared with 12 percent in the June 2016 year.

“Fibre-optic connections are much faster than traditional copper connections,” business performance senior manager Daria Kwon said.

“We’re seeing lots of households moving to fibre, as it allows them to have several people watching movies and playing video games at the same time, without slowing each other down.”

There were 159,000 new connections established in the year ended June 2017, compared with 133,000 in the June 2016 year. This shows the number of people using ultra-fast broadband is growing at a rapid pace.

“The Ultra-Fast Broadband programme aims to have 87 percent of New Zealanders able to access fibre by the end of 2022,” Ms Kwon said.

“Nearly 1.2 million households and businesses are already able to connect to the fibre network, and around one-third of them are using it so far.”

Read more about the Ultra-Fast Broadband programme.

The Internet Service Provider Survey is an annual survey that is sent to all internet service providers in New Zealand.

Source: Statistics NZ

For media enquiries contact
Paul Brislen.

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