TDR Report Provides Increased Telco Complaints Transparency

Aug 1, 2018

Telecommunication Dispute Resolution’s (TDR) latest quarterly report, published today, offers increased transparency about the telco industry. And it puts the data into context by publishing the number of complaints and enquiries the dispute resolution service receives, against size of the service providers.

“The NZ Telecommunications Forum (TCF) supports increased transparency when it comes to improving customer service.The TDR report demonstrates comparative company performance by putting the level of complaints and enquiries against the size of the industry and individual companies.By using the number of connections as a measure of company size, the same approach used in other jurisdictions, the level of complaints and enquiries relating to telecommunications can be compared against other countries, and industries.”says Geoff Thorn, CEO of the TCF.“Based on the TDR results, it is clear that the New Zealand Telecommunications industry compares favourably.”

“There is one word of caution however, as with all reporting of this nature, considerable differences between the companies’ product mix between UFB and mobile, and the extent to which they promote the use of TDR, can all impact on the results” says Thorn.

The report also details complaints and enquiries received by the nature of the issue raised by consumers, with billing related issues generating the highest number of enquiries.“We have identified billing as a key area for improvement by the industry” says Thorn. “The TCF’s Customer Complaints Code sets out billing standards; including a requirement that members make all reasonable efforts to ensure billing accuracy, and correct any billing inaccuracies in a timely manner.”

“Each of the companies is implementing these standards, adjusting their own internal systems and processes, so we expect that we will see an improvement in complaints and enquiries about billing over time.”

In the quarter to March 2018, TDR received 666 complaints and enquiries; a comparatively lower number than similar schemes in other industries and jurisdictions, particularly when it is put into the context of the number of connections managed by the industry.

“Telco service providers promote the TDR service on bills, websites, and during the complaints process. TDR provides an invaluable service for consumers; giving them somewhere to get independent assistance to resolve disputes with their telecommunications service provider” says Thorn.

TDR is managed by FairWay Resolution Limited, an independent company providing specialist conflict management and dispute resolution services. The TDR service provides prompt, unbiased resolution of telecommunications disputes at no cost to the consumer.

A copy of the TDR quarterly report to March 2018 is available at


For more information, please contact: Geoff Thorn, TCF, CEO

Ph: +64 21 937 920 | Email: | Twitter: @TCFNZ

For media enquiries contact
Paul Brislen.

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