A forum to discuss and address technical and operational issues relating to the rollout of UFB fibre products and services.
What it is
The UFB Product Forum was established to provide an industry-wide forum to discuss technical and operational issues relating to the rollout of UFB and fibre products and services. The TCF was appointed to administer and facilitate the Forum.
Members of the UFB Product Forum include the four local Fibre Companies and service providers who have signed a UFB Wholesale Services Agreement with an LFC.
To provide a mechanism for LFCs and service providers to discuss issues and matters relating to fibre products and services collectively as an industry, to ensure national consistency and improved customer experience of fibre services.
Who it applies to
- Telecommunications service providers delivering fibre services
- Local Fibre Companies
Who it affects
Telecommunications services customers of fibre services.
Working Party Establishment
The UFB Product Forum was established in 2012 and includes representatives from over 70 industry members.
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Abandon Intact Connections Working Party
A standardised approach to managing connection and termination of copper and fibre services in abandoned intact scenarios.
Fibre Installation Process Working Party
Enabling a successful fibre installation experience for customers.
UFB BSS/OSS Standards
UFB business and operational support systems standard.
UFB Ethernet Access Service Standard Working Party
A review of the TCF UFB Ethernet Access Standard and related Service Level Agreement.